lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2021

Post 8 : English Lenguage Challenges

I had the privilege of studying in a private school where the level of English is quite good. I also had the oportunity of travel to London where I took an English course and basically I was obliged to speak the language to get by. This instance helped me to loosen up a bit when I was talking.

I think this is why I was able to get straight into English 4, so this is my first English course at university. Personally I would have liked to have participated more in classes, but due to the high academic load it was very difficult for me to participate. 

I think the blogging theme was interesting, because you had to keep an eye on it week by week but more than once I did it in a hurry.

The most important area to work on is undoubtedy speaking, it is the most crucial for communicating in a foreign country. I plan to take another course in the future so that one day I can go on exchange.

For now my practice is to watch movies or series with English subtitles, I think it is a good training. I also watch a lot of videos in English on YouTube without subtitles.

lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

Post 7: Changes to your Study Program

 Well, I'm in my third year, so i don't have a global idea of the career, but I still have several things I'd like to see changed.

First of all, the number of subjects per semester is excessive, in Sound we have to take almost 10 subjects per semester. This is due to the fact that the curriculum is very badly done, we have subjects that could be grouped together in order to lighten the load.

Besides, they don't care if we learn or if we have good mental health, all they care about is that we pass our exams. With so many subjects, I don't even have time to study, I'm only worried about passing. I don't think this is the right thing to do, but I know it's a problem with education in general.

On the other hand, I feel that the University focuses more on theory and very little on the practical part. Because of the pandemic and social outbreak I have not been able to record anything in the studio (AND I'M FINISHING MY THIRD YEAR!).

I think everyone knows the infrastructure problems that the arts centre has, it has always been and always will be a topic of discussion.

In the use of technology we are also a bit behind, I have colleagues in other institutes who have modern equipment, while we still use old equipment. 

All of this would improve if the faculty of arts were given more importance and received more money from the University of Chile.

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2021

Post 6 : Time Travel to the Future

I have always been a big fan of the science fiction, and one of the most common topics is time travel.

I honestly don´t have to much feith in humanity, i think that humans are the cancer of the planet, that Earth would be so much better whitout us.

So I think, if I travel to the near future (maybe 100-200 years), I will probably find a totally destroyed earth, with global warming at irreparable levels, flooded cities, destroyed flora and fauna, etc. I am not very optimistic.

But life on earth would continue after the society was extinguished. The fungi kingdom would do its work and slowly everything would return a little bit to the natural balance of the planet (obviously without humans).

Another scenario that I think is possible is that we start colonising other planets, that people with more power and money manage to "escape" the destruction of the earth and start living in Mars for example.

The future may not be so bad for humans, maybe I have been dramatic. But really, if we want to continue living on earth as we know it, we must do something about it. The clock is ticking and we are not taking responsibility for the almost irreparable damage we have done to our planet. 

The future is now, and if we don´t do anything about the polution and global warming, there will be not future.

Post 8 : English Lenguage Challenges

I had the privilege of studying in a private school where the level of English is quite good. I also had the oportunity of travel to London ...